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Tag Archives: stick figures

To this day I love this movie, and I think it’s great for what it is: a children’s TV movie. Most remakes I’m against but this is a simple modernization to appeal to children in the 90’s. 

The people in charge must have had fun making this film judging from all the camp. The bright colors, sparkles, and twirling ball gowns. It seems that this filmmakers were trying to cram every girly thing they could think of. 

in the first image Cinderella's eyes are closed

in the first image Cinderella’s eyes are closed

But just because I love a film doesn’t mean it’s perfect. There was one blaring error when Cinderella is on her way to the ball. The film breaks the 180 degree rule. Cinderella scoots to the right side of the carriage after waving goodbye to her fairy godmother, but when she starts singing about how things are possible she’s sitting on the left side, then when singing with her  fairy godmother about zanies and fools Cinderella is back on the right side, finally, when  fairy godmother magically whooshes herself into the carriage Cinderella is back on the left side.

cinderella 2


Also, how is it that Cinderella, the person who is suppose to be the star of the film, is the most boring character in the movie? Everyone else is cooky or quirky or sassy, while she’s this quiet little thing.