I’ve watched both versions of the Producers, the 1968 version and the 2005 version, and not much is different the later has songs and a longer ending, and two characters roles are changed.

In the 2005 version Ulla, the Swedish secretary, is given a bigger part, a part in Springtime for Hitler and is more of a person. The 1968 Ulla is only in the film as a pretty, but silent, face with a big chest and no brains (at least I think we’re led to assume that). 2005 Ulla wants to be an actress, isn’t afraid to do what she must for a part, is unashamed of her sexuality, and isn’t blind to the fact that the producers are up to something they probably shouldn’t be.

1968 Ulla

1968 Ulla

And then there’s the question of who plays Hitler? In the original version of the film Hitler is played by a hippy called  LSD and he makes hitler funny because he talks like a hippy. In the musical version Hitler is played by a homosexual and is funny because he comes off as wimpy or effeminate.

I can understand the change from a hippy to a gay man, a modern audience isn’t going to understand the humor of a hippy as well, but thinking about all that the switch could imply makes my head spin.

2005 Ulla

2005 Ulla


Are gays the new hippy? Are gays the new joke and hippies were once the joke? Are both groups flawed in a way that is funny?

Does the fact that the hippy was replaced mean that society has taken a step forward by having making fun of hippies not ok? Does that mean that homosexuals not being funny to joke about is the next step?